Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rhetoric in Anti-piracy Ad

The creators of this ad made certain assumptions about the audience when they produced this video. They start the video with a girl downloading a movie online. They then start making claims about her, but they are actually appealing to digital natives. They claim that she wouldn’t steal a car, which is probably a safe assumption. It is only an assumption however. They are assuming that viewers are law abiding citizens. While that would be nice, not everyone follows the law. I also think they did a poor job of backing up their claims. You see people doing the acts that are illegal and basically getting away with it. Do you see police chasing them or them getting arrested? Nope, maybe this is why this video seems so ineffective.

The lack of ground and evidence in this video make the warrants very hard to see. I think the warrants are that everyone knows that stealing is wrong. They try and connect car theft and stealing a purse to piracy, and it is somewhat ineffective. I think it’s different because they aren’t the same type of crime. There is no personal connection when someone pirates something, it is just convenient. I think connecting to personal crimes could have been more effective if they had shown the people getting caught.


  1. Yes. As you point out, the commercial claims that that piracy and stealing are the same type of crime, and it assumes that viewers will accept this analogy at face value. However, I have to agree that this analogy is somewhat weak.

  2. I agree with what you said about the people not getting caught. Its almost like their saying, "if you do it right you wont get caught" which contradicts the entire commercial.

  3. They really should have had a better comparison since isn't completely the same as stealing a car. Most people who download pirated movies don't get caught. The commercial slightly contradicting.

  4. Jackie's comment reminds me of a cartoon that someone in one of our classes used. It illustrates piracy vs. theft: I wish that I could remember who posted it. Any takers?
