Sunday, November 13, 2011

Piracy in China

For my final Blog entry i will be looking at a scholarly article in my inquiry area. I can across this article in the Journal of Strategic Information Systems and found it interesting. I came to the conclusion that the article was scholarly when it met several criteria. First of all the journal is peer review which is always a relatively good indicator that it is scholarly. While none of the authors are doctorates, they are experts in their field. It's also important to not that doctorates aren't common in this field.

This article is about anti-piracy strategies in China. In particular it looks at the open source strategy otherwise known as OS strategy. They find in their study that is a relatively effective strategy at preventing piracy. They also find that this is a feasible option for groups wanting to prevent piracy. The authors conclude with the fact that open source strategy can work, but it will not work uniformly across the board. I feel like the authors used rhetoric to make the reader want to try this strategy. They use almost all positive terms when describing this strategy. It’s almost as if they are marketing a product and the audience is groups against piracy.



  1. What exactly is OS strategy and how does it work? do you think its a plausible fix to the growing piracy problem in america?

  2. I was going to ask the same question as the previous person. It sounds like an interesting article, so I would like to know more about what the OS strategy is.

  3. Sorry this may sound repetitive but I was actually wondering the same thing. Its such an interesting topic that could potentially solve the piracy issue, so I would like to know a bit more about it.

  4. I was wondering the same thing as everybody else. The issue of piracy in China is a very interesting topic. I have visited China before, and there is so many things that are pirated there with what appears to be little control. I think that limiting piracy there would be very difficult, however would be very good.
